Wednesday, October 6, 2010

there's a fungus among us

and it's killing the bees!

i had just finished writing up a great article about it, but then the new york times published theirs first, so i thought, why bother?  at any rate, the synopsis is:
     *  bees were disappearing
     *  scientists asked, "how come?"
     *  rich people gave scientists money to figure it out, because we like honey
     *  it was hard to figure out because dying bees fly away
     *  the army was studying immune systems
     *  the brother of a bee scientist met an army immune scientist
     *  the bee scientist talked to the army scientist
     *  the army scientist smashed dead bees to find out what was inside
     *  they found viruses and funguses (or viri and fungi)
     *  (virus + fungus) = colony collapse
          colony collapse = (virus + fungus)

now what are all those researchers going to do with their time?  


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